
The purpose of the work is to cover the life and socio-political activities of S. Terlezki, British politician of the Conservative Party, a famous public and political fi gure of Great Britain and Europe, an infl uential representative of the Ukrainian Diaspora, an active member of the Union of Ukrainians in Great Britain and the World Congress of Ukrainians, on the basis of documents of the personal fond «Terlezki Stefan Oleksiyovych (1927–2006), politician, public and political fi gure» (F. 77), stored in the Central State Archives of Foreign Archival Ucrainica. Research methods. The article is based on the strategy of representing the political biography and life history of Ukrainian emigrants and British fi gures in a non-national and conservative environment, in particular, expands/enriches the plot outline by introducing new sources. Considerable attention is paid to the biographical method, the use of which made it possible to study the peculiarities of the life of a politician in a particular macro- and micro-social environment. Scientifi c novelty. S. Terlezki’s documents, which were not used in Ukrainian biographical researches before, are introduced into scientifi c circulation. They are a vivid example of how, thanks to hard work, constant study and active participation in public and political life, Ukrainians fought for a high position in their host countries and thus became an example to follow. Prospects for further research. S. Terlezki’s collection, numbering more than a thousand documents, was donated to the Central State Archives of Foreign Archival Ucrainica in 2020 by the Library and Archive named after Taras Shevchenko in Great Britain (Shevchenko Library and Archive) (supervisor – Doctor of Philosophy L. Pekarska). It is not complete so the ultimate goal is the return of the entire documentary heritage of politics, its scientifi c and technical study and further study by scientists and all who are interested in bright and unique fi gures in the history of Europe in the 20 century. Conclusions. Documents of the personal fund «Terlezki Stefan Oleksiyovych (1927–2006), politician, public and political fi gure» (F. 77) have signifi cant scientifi c and source information potential.

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