
The psychophysiological status of 12-14 year old basketball players from the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China was assessed. With the help of the program "NS-Psychotest" the indicators characterizing the state of the nervous system of young basketball players were studied. The indicators of the functional mobility of nervous processes indicated the relative inertia of the nervous system and the absence of significant dynamics as basketball players from Belarus and China grew up. Indicators of lability of the nervous system in the process of maturation of basketball players reached the average level by the age of 14. The speed and precision qualities of basketball players as they grow up tended to decrease the number of movements, improve psychomotor reactions. The peculiarities of concentration and attention switching were assessed according to the indicators of the test "Red-black tables": the duration of the test and the number of errors. For basketball players from the Republic of Belarus, the duration of testing by the age of 13 was significantly reduced compared to the age of 12, for basketball players from China it remained without significant dynamics. The number of mistakes among basketball players from Belarus and China did not significantly differ between the groups in all age periods. The accuracy of the movements of fingers and hands was determined: among basketball players from the Republic of Belarus, an increase in accuracy was noted as they grew older; basketball players from the PRC did not change the accuracy of their movements. A significant difference was revealed: the indicators of movement accuracy by the age of 14 among young basketball players from Belarus were higher than among basketball players from China.

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