
A comprehensive examination and treatment of 61 patients who were hospi-talized at the 3 E. V. Klumov City Clinical Hospital in the period from 2020 to 2022 was carried out. All puerperas included in the study were divided into three groups: group 1 (main) – 20 patients (mean age 24.2 ± 2.5), who, along with in-tramuscular administration of oxytocin, 5 IU with an interval of 12 hours, re-ceived PGE1 (mirolute tablets) 200 mcg orally every 12 hours, group 2 (compari-son) – 21 patients (mean age 23.7 ± 2.0), receiving standard uterotonic therapy (intramuscular injection of 5 IU of oxytocin 2 times a day for 3–4 days). The con-trol group consisted of 20 women with uncomplicated postpartum period (mean age 23.2 ± 2.1). Procedures of alternating magnetic field (AMF) were carried out for all puerperas on the area of projection of the uterus 1 time per day every day. It has been established that the use of prostaglandin E1 in the conservative treatment of primary uterine subinvolution without signs of an inflammatory process increases its effectiveness by 2.86 times compared with the use of oxyto-cin alone. The following criteria for the effectiveness of complex therapy for puerperas were established: a significant decrease in the size of the uterine cavity in compar-ison with the traditional treatment group by 1.8 times (11.3 ± 0.2 and 6.2 ± 0.2 mm, respectively; p1 = 0.022). In patients with subinvolution, an inverse pro-nounced relationship was found between the size of the uterine cavity and the content of oxytocin (r = –0.9784; p = 0.013) and prostaglandin E2 (r = –0.9566; p = 0.015) in the blood serum, which dictates the need prescribing means and methods that increase the contractile properties of the uterus during its subinvo-lution.

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