
The Emperor Hongwu had been recognized that the cause of confusing in the late of Yuan dynasty was Yuan dynasty’ misleading, and he also had a strong confidence that the law and system of rite was caused to opposite opinion against civil society due to lacking of follow an old law. According to his these perspective, he had been reviewed and updated the law and system base upon a strong dictatorship in order to establish central control system. His effort on reestablishment of law system was not only settling the society domestically but also constructing an international tribute system centered around Ming. As the same result of other national structure, the law of system was a key means for the rulers to maintain the supreme imperial power and maintain social stability. Ming dynasty had been also revised a variety of their national dictator control system depend on build for the nation to center of china. First of all, he made a law strictly as well to escape from a scarce against social unstable on his citizen as to prevent his cabinet members’corruption. He had put on efforts to operate that the build law had helped contributing to control his citizen depend upon deliberated government documentation system. The first sequency was a building the law system then took focus on his citizen. He had been tried to set up his nation in conjunction with essence of human moral based upon traditional attitude. The order of rebuild law system was prioritize by emperor on noblesse and oblique. After accomplishment of his efforts he had applied his philosophy to international oder. As to considering an established international tribute system centered around Ming, he had been made a bill of each tribute system. Actually Ming that had strong military power and national capabilities had enforced to the other nation to follow the Ming’s tribute system It was reflected to other nation to keep the responsibility that Ming build the an international tribute system centered around one. It was a hierarchy in international order that accept the vertical oder between Ming and other nation compared to modern era. Once Ming have accept the tribute nation, it had differentiated with Emperor based upon specified tribute system. The influence of the system of rite in the early period of the Ming Dynasty on the system of rite in the middle and late period. In conclusion, the international order that had been builded by Ming was a stabilized relation that rooted on not only an international tribute system centered around Ming but also between each nation in conjunction with the principle of nonaggression.

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