
An analysis of the experience of financial support for the formation and development of critical infrastructure in foreign countries has been carried out. It is noted that the critical infrastructure provides the necessary services in various fields to maintain their smooth state. It is determined that its financing is carried out by attracting resources from various sources, which include public, private and mixed (public-private) projects, as well as funds of financial intermediaries. Mechanisms for financing critical infrastructure used in foreign countries are revealed. Considerable attention is paid to the issues of regulation operations of financial support for the functional capacity of critical infrastructure. Issues of financial risks of critical services and the factors that affect them are covered. It is noted that to limit them, portfolio approaches have been introduced to place the mobilized resource in infrastructure projects, as well as measures of state and non-state support are applied (guarantees, insurance programs, granting preferences, etc.). Particular attention is paid to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the application of financial support for critical infrastructure upgrades and provision of critical services. It is noted that such changes require a significant increase in costs for increasing investment activities in infrastructure, support for private investment, improving the attraction of funds of specialized financial companies to invest in infrastructure projects. The mechanisms implemented in order to solve such problems are identified. Recommendations are given to take into account the experience of foreign countries in the application of measures to finance critical infrastructure in Ukraine. Keywords: critical infrastructure, critical services, infrastructure financing, infrastructure financing risks, public-private partnership, debt instruments, guarantees and benefits for infrastructure financing.

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