
北宋是中国文学艺术创新发展的高峰期,从宋代开始中国古典美学审美意向出现了重大转折,文艺创作者的主体精神自此走向一个逐步解放的路途,这在某种程度上意味着“尚意”时代的到来。集文学家、书画家等多重身份于一身的苏轼是这一转型中不可回避的重要人物。禅宗是宋代文化中的重要组成部分,禅宗思想为苏轼提供丰富的人生智慧和精神源泉,禅宗作为一种哲学思想从创作思想、审美情趣等深层文化心理结构上深刻影响着苏轼的文艺创作与文艺理论。本文主要讨论禅宗关照下的苏轼“尚意”书法美学,通过揭示苏轼与禅宗的渊源,分析禅宗思想在苏轼书法“尚意”美学形成发展中的作用以及“尚意”美学对后世的影响。 In ancient Chinese history, the Northern Song Dynasty was the peak time of creative literature and arts development. Due to the changes of Chinese classical aesthetic intention in Song Dynasty, the authors’ subject spirits started to be emancipated and this signaled the birth of a new age called Shangyi which advocates significance and intention. It was Sushi, who was known as a famous litterateur and famous artist, that had made a huge contribution in many areas of art. As the result of imperial examination system growing mature and literati and officialdom awakening, Zen became the most important part of Song Dynasty culture. Zen brought Sushi various life wisdom and became one of the sources of his great personality. In the same time, as a philosophical thought and aesthetic experience, Zen had a profound impact on Sushi, especially in creating and criticizing literature from the angles of creation thoughts and aesthetic taste or other aspect in deep cultural psychological structure. This paper mainly discusses about Sushi’s Shangyi calligraphy aesthetics under the impression of Zen through the analysis of relation between Sushi and Zen. It is a brief analysis of the impact of Zen in the progress of Sushi’s Shangyi aesthetics and it ends the article with a simple introduc- tion in how Sushi’s Shangyi calligraphy influences the later generations.

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