
A study of the daily time budget on the country's agricultural enterprises showed that the longest production processes are: animal’s rest is 12 hours or 50% of the daily budget; bulls’ sperm collecting - 7 hours or 29,2%; feeding - 3 hours or 12,5%; manure removal - 2 hours or 8,3%. Most of agroindustry processes on enterprises are carried out manually. By means of simulation modeling, this study was conducted on the possibilities of zoorobot using to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of the daily time budget for sire seed’s collecting material. Currently, a nonmechanical or mechanical mannequin with an adjustable tilt angle or a dummy animal is used to sperm collecting. The vagina’s preparation also manually is carried out, but at the several preassembled vaginas use it can be done mechanically. These studies have shown that zoorobots with an automatically adjustable tilt angle as mannequins for sperm collection can be used. Automation of these processes reduces the seed collection process from a bull in 3,8 times. The international practice of cattle breeding enterprises for seed collection material from breeding bulls is such that the main 40 thousand sperm doses from the manufacturer must be obtained in the first 2-2,5 years of its operation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the equipment preparation for seed’s harvesting of one bull it takes at least for 15-20 minutes of working time, i. e. during 8 hours of working time, 57 bulls can be used, at a doublet cage - 29 bulls, and with a triplet cage - 19 bulls, if there are 140 main bulls at the breeding plant. At a zoo robot using, the queue for bull's sperm collecting will decrease: in one cage - once every 2 days, in a doublet cage - every 3 days, in a triplet cage - every 5 days, or m/2n times, where m is the number of bulls, n is the number of minutes spent on the seed collecting from one bull.

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