
Abstract. The phenomenon of evil in modern socialcultural situation from the point of view of bioethics, interpreted as deconstruc-tion is analyzed in the article. Evil as the striving to destruct appears in the form of the dividing of whole and extreme reductionism. In social and anthropological dimensions such reductionism is expressed in the idea of the society as original chaos (war of all against all) which is caused by “evil and vicious human nature”. However this chaos is structured by means of social contract (financial order) coming out in the form of the principle of a lesser evil. Now this structuring is the process of substitution at the new type of order: sur-veillance biocapitalism. This last is the real threat not only to human existence but to the whole bios. From here is the task of the devel-oping of discourse which is able to block given destructive tendency. Such discourse is conservative bioethics as radical ethics of salva-tion, on the basis of which the global bioethos can be formed. Global bioethos is the topos of cooperation and solidarity (Great Harmo-ny). In this new social topos Homo misericordis can rise: human whose main quality is misericordia. Owing to misericordia human overcomes estrangement, enters into a dialogue, and creates the premises for the meeting with Other (the whole totality of bios).

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