
Abstract. Introduction. The modern insurance market is characterized by a negative trend of reduction of companies-participants of the market. This situation is associated with a number of factors: crisis phenomena in the economy, a decrease in solvent demand, increased risks, growth of unprofitability of the insurance sector, regulatory work of the state. Рurpose. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the domestic insurance market, to identify modern methods and approaches to risk management in the market. The research methodology is based on modern provisions of statistical and economic analysis, empirical research, as well as methods of expert assessments. Results. The article reveals the risks of insurers taking into account the specifics of their manifestation, as well as the specific features of risk management of insurance companies. The problems of managing risks that affect financial stability in insurance companies in modern conditions are examined in the article. A classification of insurance risks and their impact on insurance companies are prepared. It is shown that today a wide range of techniques for estimating the insurance risks exist. The reference points that should be included in the system of risk management of the insurance organization at the present stage are determined. Conclusions. According to the results of the study, a decrease in insurance companies operating in the market, a decrease in premiums and total assets was noted. The expediency of building an optimal risk management system that affects the financial stability of the insurance business has been determined. The application of an integrated approach to risk management of insurance companies has been substantiated. Keywords: risk; risk management; insurance; insurance market; insurer; government regulation; risk classification; risk management strategy.


  • The modern insurance market is characterized by a negative trend of reduction of companiesparticipants of the market

  • According to the results of the study, a decrease in insurance companies operating in the market, a decrease in premiums and total assets was noted

  • The expediency of building an optimal risk management system that affects the financial stability of the insurance business has been determined

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Управління ризиками страхового ринку

Сучасний страховий ринок має негативну тенденцію до скорочення його учасників. У статті досліджено сучасний стан страхового ринку України та визначено основні тенденції його функціонування. Визначено основні завдання та стратегії розвитку страхового ринку та його регулювання НБУ. Здійснено оцінку доцільності впровадження регулювання страхової діяльності за ризик-орієнтованим підходом. За результатами дослідження визначено вплив ризиків на діяльність страхових компаній, здійснено їхню класифікацію та визначено основні підходи в управлінні ризиками. Обґрунтовано необхідність побудови оптимальної системи управління ризиками, яка матиме позитивний вплив на фінансовий стан страхових компаній. Ключові слова: ризик; управління ризиком; страхування; страхових ринок; страховик; державне регулювання; класифікація ризиків; стратегія управління ризиками. Sukach Olena, PhD in Economics Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Rauf Ablyazov East European University, Ukraine. Kozlovska Svitlana, PhD in Technical Sciences Head of the Department of Management and Administration Rauf Ablyazov East European University, Ukraine

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