
Oxidative stress is a risk factor for disease development and cardiovascular system, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. The resulting product is thus free radical lipid peroxidation - malondialdehyde (MDA) is atherogenic modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL), so that they acquire the ability to be rapidly accumulated in the cells of the vessel walls, causing pre-aterosklerotic lipoid damages. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high temperature (one of the environmental factors) for key operating parameters: the content of secondary products of free radical oxidation polyene lipids - mDa in blood plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant activity of key enzymes. Hyperthermia was triggered in practically healthy volunteers (6 males, 22-46years). The analysis was made using a recording spectrophotometer Hitachi-557 (Japan). The statistical analysis was performed using the non-parametric Wilcoxon-test (Attestat program). MDA levels in the blood plasma, the activity of key antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes were determined through divided intervals in study participants. A significant increase in MDA content (62 %) and reduction of catalase activity (11 %) and glutathione peroxidase (19 %) were revealed after 30 days in the conditions of hyperthermia test.


  • Oxidative stress is a risk factor for disease development and cardiovascular system, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, etc

  • The resulting product is free radical lipid peroxidation - malondialdehyde (MDA) is atherogenic modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL), so that they acquire the ability to be rapidly accumulated in the cells of the vessel walls, causing pre-aterosklerotic lipoid damages

  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high temperature for key operating parameters: the content of secondary products of free radical oxidation polyene lipids – MDA in blood plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant activity of key enzymes

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ФГБУ «Российский кардиологический научно-производственный комплекс» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия. Изучено влияние неблагоприятных факторов внешней среды на основные параметры окислительного стресса у практически здоровых испытуемых. Практически здоровые добровольцы были подвергнуты действию искусственно созданной гипертермии. Через поделенные интервалы времени у участников исследования определяли уровень МДА в плазме крови, активность ключевых антиоксидантных ферментов в эритроцитах. После 30 дней пребывания в условиях гипертермии у испытуемых было выявлено статистически значимое увеличение содержания МДА (на 62 %), а также снижение активности каталазы (на 11 %) и глутатионпероксидазы (на 19 %). Ключевые слова: активные формы кислорода, свободнорадикальное окисление, малонилдиальдегид, каталаза, глутатионпероксидаза, супероксидисмутаза

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