
The theory of interstate solidarity emerged in Japan. In Japan, the theory of Asian solidarity emerged in the wake of the Meiji Restoration.
 Influenced by Japan's theory of Asian solidarity, Sun Wen began to advocate Asianism in earnest in the 1920s. Shin Chae-ho is also one of the intellectuals influenced by the theory of social evolution. However, he tried to overcome the limitations of Asian solidarity theory with his logic.
 Through the experience of the March 1st Movement, he directly confirmed the power of the people and tried to escape the theory of social evolution development logic by using them as revolutionary subjects.
 With the hope of overcoming and developing colonial rule, his attention naturally focused on international solidarity among the oppressed peoples of the East.
 However, he oppose d the alliance with Japan. There are three main reasons why he oppose d solidarity with Japan. I thought that I, the subject of history, took precedence over the East. Second, Confucian ideology was cited. Third, this is because Japan was viewed as an object to overthrow through direct struggle.
 Meanwhile, Shin Chae-ho did not insist on solidarity between Eastern oppressed peoples only as a theory, but tried to realize the goal of independence through the solidarity of Eastern oppressed peoples.

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