
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of video lecturing and pinpoint opportunities to improve presenting of theoretical material online. The relevance of the study is caused by the lack of experience of the majority of Ukrainian lecturers in teaching by video conferences before 2020. Insufficient covering of this issue emphasizes the urgency of the publication. To achieve our goal, the following tasks were set: to consider the main differences between online lecturing and in-class lectures and other ways of distance teaching; to generalize the main problems of students and teachers arising during online lectures; to propose the ways to solve those problems and describe the possibilities of using the advantages of online lectures. To achieve the set goal, the following methods were used in the paper: abstract, logical and comparative analysis, survey, expert evaluation, monographic, analysis and synthesis, dialectic, tabular and graphic. To study the students’ opinions concerning online lectures in March-April 2021, the anonymous survey of full-time students studying at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of Poltava State Agrarian University was conducted. 69.7% of respondents consider this format either better or not worse than in-class lessons. The main students’ problems that appeared during online lectures were the technical ones: (the absence or low quality of Internet and hardware) and the lack of face-to-face communication. It is proposed for the educational establishment to choose the single software product for video lecturing; to make records of video lectures with their further promulgation on the platform determined by the university; for the lecturing professor to create a friendly atmosphere; to introduce the obligatory revision of the students’ notes; to ensure the opportunity for students to ask questions to the lecturer; to promote active use of interactive lecture to ensure activate participation of the students (in particular, the lectures with previously planned errors, binary lectures, and lectures-conferences).

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