
Allergy is characterized by inadequate hyperimmune response to one or several antigens with the properties of allergens. A specific pattern of abnormal synthesis of some cytokines (principal molecular mediators of the initiation, development, and regulation of allergic inflammation) has an important pathogenic role in allergy. In recent years, it is generally accepted that allergic disorders are accounted for by impaired immune regulation resulting from increased imbalanced activation of allergen-specific T helper 2 cell clones. Allergic type of immune response is currently referred to as type 2 immune response which normally provides humoral immunity, anthelmintic protection etc. However, pathological response results in allergy. Studies on immune pathogenesis of allergic disorders have improved our understanding of the role of altered synthesis of some cytokines (key mediators of allergic inflammation). Cytokines involved in the initiation and regulation of allergy are produced by epithelial cells, various subsets of leukocytes, innate lymphoid cells, and allergen-activated T helper cell clones. Analysis of the associations of the changes in immune reactivity and clinical manifestations has established pathogenic heterogeneity and identified asthma phenotypes and endotypes. These findings have provided a basis for more reasonable, successful, and personalized approach to biological anti-cytokine treatment for allergic disorders. KEYWORDS: allergy, cytokines, T helper cell clones, phenotype, asthma, anti-cytokine therapy. FOR CITATION: Simbirtsev A.S. Cytokines and their role in immune pathogenesis of allergy. Russian Medical Inquiry. 2021;5(1):32–37. DOI: 10.32364/2587-6821-2021-5-1-32-37.


  • Allergy is characterized by inadequate hyperimmune response to one or several antigens with the properties of allergens

  • These findings have provided a basis for more reasonable, successful, and personalized approach to biological anti-cytokine treatment for allergic disorders

  • Ведутся исследования по использованию у больных бронхиальной астмы (БА) антицитокиновой терапии: против цитокинов, стимулирующих функции нейтрофильных гранулоцитов, — IL-8, IL-17, IL-23; против провоспалительных цитокинов TNF, IL-6 и IL-1; против цитокинов, регулирующих ранние этапы формирования аллергического воспаления, — TSLP, IL-25, IL-33, а также некоторых других [38]

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Allergy is characterized by inadequate hyperimmune response to one or several antigens with the properties of allergens. В иммунопатогенезе аллергии ключевым фактором является особый вариант изменения синтеза ряда цитокинов — главных молекулярных медиаторов запуска, развития и регуляции аллергического воспаления. Синтез проаллергических цитокинов эпителиальными клетками После взаимодействия с аллергенами эпителиальные клетки синтезируют цитокины, вызывающие воспаление, активацию дендритных клеток (ДК) и привлечение

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