
This study is the first study on 『Daejeonki(大全奇)』⋅『Daejeonki』 had naver been studied officially though it is exsisting document progressing from Chosun Dynasty because there were no intact book. Fortunately, writer has a school aquaintance who has the undamaged book and asked to study. So writer can look into this book generally. 『Daejeonki』, published 1917 in Korea had been told to hakunnosun(鶴雲老 仙) → unhojinin(雲戶眞人)→ ilungusa(一雲居士) which were taoist legacy. Teachings of Seosungjun(徐聖濬) in China were recorded by chinese Duwook(chunghersanin)(竇旭(淸虛山人)), then this was purchased and published by Korean Hangyuchul(韓圭轍). Until now Chosun Dynasty kimunhak(奇門學) is studied by Hongkuk through only 『Hongyunjinkyul(洪煙眞訣)』. 『Daejeonki』 tells there were another division of the family in Chosun Dynasty. 『Hongyunjinkyul』 is the story of kimunhak against the backdrop of Jiri mountain while 『Daejeonki』 is the story against the background of Bisul mountain. The difference between hongkuk(洪局) and yunkuk(煙局) is already discussed in academia though, it is not identified that there was agreement in hongkuk. This study, the general consideration of daejunki let us know there wes another theroy in other divion. Through this study several features are seen as follows. First, susim(修心) and jusul(呪術) are put emphasis on. Second, criticism and screening on geographic field in Chosun Dynasty. Third, Private succession is obvious and their all point of vew are focussed on shinsunsul(神仙術). Fourth, we can tell between hongyeonjinkyuln which is prime result, the well organize book on kimun in Chosun 『Hongyeonjinkyul』 and 『Daejeonki』 division theory and information were exchanged. This paper is the first thesis on 『Daejunki』, writer have to take look into bigly, however, writer think, this will be the opportunity that study on kimun will be progressed in depth.

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