
The article proposes a theorization of the phenomenon of creativity in its philosophical, social, aesthetic and psychological dimensions. Creativity as an epistemological and axiological problem is described by a significant number of researchers and scientists in various fields. At the same time, its ontological dimension remains the prerogative of psychological research, neglecting the social dimension and the meaning of creativity for the individual and humanity as a whole. The proposed analysis allows tracing the various essences and manifestations of creativity for a person and society. Questions about the essence of the concept of "creativity" were studied by many scientists in such fields of knowledge as philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, sociology, etc. This concept has a rather weighty historical aspect of consideration – from Plato to the present day, thinkers have been interested in the question of the inner urges and incentives of a person. But regardless of the signs that stood out for centuries and outlined, shaped this phenomenon, the XXI century brings its corrections, synthesizing phenomena and looking for new approaches to their study. Now, when we talk about creativity, we often stray far from its functional and cultural-artistic significance, we try to reflect it in modern political and scientific-technical processes, or in a radically new, free-thinking, freedom-loving and/or performative aspect. That is why the purpose of the research is to theorize the phenomenon of creativity in the context of modernity. When theorizing creativity, researchers use such concepts as novelty, creating something new, objectification of acquired and/or unconscious experience, catharsis, going beyond the ordinary, loneliness, rejection by society, criticism, challenge, dialogicity, performativity, etc. All these analogies allow us to understand the essence of the phenomenon in a collective and individual dimension. Moreover, centuries of rethinking creativity make it possible to understand and predict the benefits of creativity. However, the entire body of research cannot answer the question of the essentiality of the creator, his alienation from society and from his own creation. Moreover, creativity evolves along with Man, and at the time of expanding the capabilities of AI, it is difficult for us to predict this process.

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