
The presented scientific article puts forward and confirms the hypothesis that recently in the science of criminal executive law more and more attention is paid to the process of resocialization of convicts, rather than their correction. The au thors confirm this in their dissertation research (including in the social sciences). Also, this vector is reflected in the Concept of the development of the criminal executive system of Russia until 2020, which often operates with the concept of "resocialization" rather than the concept of "correction". The article also analyzes the legislation of some foreign countries, including the Commonwealth of Independent States, in the sphere of regulating the re-socialization of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment. The authors of the article give a comprehensive description of the process of resocialization, noting its advantage over correction, which can not cover the postpotential sphere. It is indicated that the goal of correction can be achieved, but if the former convict does not solve the issues of adaptation in society, this can lead to postpenitentiary relapse of crimes. That is why it is necessary to create a resocialization system for serving sentences that would guarantee that crimes will not recur. At the same time, attention is drawn to the creation of a progressive system of serving sentences with its gradual introduction of the convicted person to life in freedom. It is argued that the process of re-socialization should be considered from the standpoint of a broad criminological approach, which involves the use of a wide range of means of influencing the personality of the convicted person, including social, psychological, preventive and other, involving various actors in the process and combining their efforts. The author's components (tools) that structurally make up the resocialization of convicts as a system are proposed. In the conclusion of the scientific article, the authors conclude that the legislator should reconsider the attitude to the means of correction, consider them as part of the process of re-socialization, which should include other means, become the main process and go beyond the criminal law and criminal executive nature. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

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