
Introduction. Social banking as a financial practice of socially-oriented banks is widely interpreted as value-oriented, alternative, civic, ethical, sustainable banking organizations, which makes it possible for an interested banking organization to demonstrate its social and environmental obligations. Meanwhile, they have a clear discrepancy between the declared intentions and the real situation. The article presents a new classification of banks in accordance with their real socially useful activities. Based on the review of sources, the evolution of social banking is presented, the definition of a socially-oriented bank is formulated as a special type of bank aimed at maximizing a positive contribution to the development of society by providing banking services in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, transparency and cooperation. Methods. The research is based on the analytical approach, as well as methods of comparison and abstraction. Results and their discussion.  The author's typology is proposed. It is concluded that only ethical banks really diverge from the prevailing logic of traditional banks. As for social banks, using investment banking operations, even moderately, they differ from conventional banks only in quantitative terms. The related feature of traditional and social banks can ultimately be visualized as variations within the same paradigm.

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