
Article discusses the problem of personality in the coming era of Sapiozoic. In geochronology, the quaternary period (from 2.6 million years ago to the present) is called the epoch that gave rise to man (anthropogen). In the Holocene epoch (the last 12-thousand-year period), human economic activity is visible. At the same time, the planet’s ecosystems were in balance. Discussions are underway about the geologically transitional Anthropocene – the epoch of hu­man activity as a global factor in the evolution of the Earth’s ecosystems. During the last 200–250 years, the co-evolution of man, society and nature has been on the path of the formation of techno-natural systems. Since the 1950s and 1960s the era of “Great Acceleration” begins. Consumer society, unrestrained mining, the course of technologization, the loss of the meaning of life led to chaos on a planetary scale. Many natural scientists pointed out the anthropogenic factors of the new geological epoch. The parameters (and language of descrip­tion) of the Anthropocene that are put forward in the discussions are limited by the methodologies of specific disciplines. The philosophical-integrative approach to the problem is relevant. It is worth paying attention to non-Western philosoph­ical teachings about large cycles of planetary development. In part, they resem­ble the scientific models. The acceleration of planetary development and the new large-scale cycle are discussed in the Roerichs philosophy. Purification by the global crisis should lead to the disclosure of the spiritual potential of a person, the construction of a world community. In one scenario, the coming era of sus­tainable development is called “sapiozoi” – “intelligent life” (D. Grinspoon). Its essence is associated with the management of planetary processes. Geosocio­engineering projects in the cognitive aspect involve fundamental transformations of human consciousness as an active worker, the formation of planetary forms of collective cooperation. The strategic task of managing the Earth’s ecosystems re­quires the formation of cosmo-geo-bio-socio-human-dimensional thinking, noo­spheric ethics and noospheric culture. The problem of the mind and the inner na­ture of man becomes the key to overcoming the global crisis.

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