
The article deals with pedagogical conditions andfactors that determine the development ofvocational and pedagogical culture of variouscategories of specialists in physical education andsports. The conditions, which allow presenting thereal structure of professional-pedagogical cultureof a specialist, the main content of which isreflected in ideological, organizational andcommunicative substructures, are determined.The results of factor analysis showed that in thestructure of the professional efficiency ofspecialists the leading place is occupied by thefactors that determine the development ofcommunication abilities and professionalinteraction on the basis of the ownership of themethods of socially-oriented influence onprocesses and objects of vocational andpedagogical activity. Activity can be expressedusing the formula – “human action plus reflectionof these actions”. Reflection is an analysis of theactivities carried out, aimed at identifying thecauses of difficulties and correction of the way ofactivity.

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