
The spatial organization of agri-cultural production is complex and multifaceted. It is primarily related to the rational placement, deepening of specialization and increasing the concentration of certain types of agricultural products. Spatial organization in agriculture is the basis for effective development, one of the important conditions for improving the competi-tiveness and sustainability of production of both crop and livestock production. The spatial devel-opment of agriculture and beet sugar production is directly related to the formation of the market for agricultural products, in particular sugar, its reprofiling in conditions of accelerated import substitution. In recent years, the state has been more actively involved in the spatial organiza-tion of agriculture, but despite the publication of legislative documents to solve this problem, the placement of production of certain types of in-dustries does not meet the requirements for the formation of specialization zones with a high level of technicality. The reason why issues of rational spatial organization of production are not fully addressed is the fragmentation of the proposed measures, the lack of an integrated approach to the issue of placement, deepening of specializa-tion and concentration of production of certain types of agricultural production. Currently, sugar beet production, despite widespread cultivation, is unevenly distributed across macroregions. Some cultivation zones are characterized by high rates of yield, efficiency, stability, while others do not achieve such results. Therefore, the task is to cre-ate and justify high-tech, high-efficiency zones for the production of sugar beets.

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