
This study was conducted to identify problematic weed species in grape orchard fields to establish basic information for suitable weed control. Surveys of weed species occurring in grape orchards were conducted in Chungnam province including Daejeon and Sejong of Korea from April to June and from September to October in 2015. From the surveys, 50 weed species belonging to 23 families (33 annuals and 17 perennials) were identified. In the first survey, the most dominant weed species by the importance values was Poa annua (7.07) followed by Echinochloa crus-galli (6.56), Digitaria ciliaris (6.43) and Capsella bursapastoris (5.63). In the second survey, Rorippa palustris (9.59), Eclipta alba (9.13), Digitaria ciliaris (7.68) and Poa annua (7.68) were dominant. Different weed species and dominance patterns were detected according to weed control methods in the grape orchards. Seven weed species belonging to six families were identified in the field in which herbicides were being used as a weed control method. However, most weed species (21 species belonging to 9 families) were occurred in the mowing + tillage fields. These surveys provide information about seasonal variations of weeds species occurred in grape orchards and impact of different weed control methods on the weed occurrence.

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