
The article considers transformation of executive procedure in the conditions of digital economy. The author uncovers the role of development of the digital technologies and their influence on running the state. Digital state governance will allow accomplishing the final transition to digital interaction of citizens and enterprises with the state. The author also underlines that this interaction can be more comfortable for both parties. Transformation of the research subject is represented in the realization of the super service called «Digital executive procedure». Its establishment implies the launch of registry model of enforcement of court decisions. A digital registry of executive documents works as a digital state information resource that can be used for keeping the record of executive documents by the parties of executive procedures while enforcing the court decisions. The goals of establishing of this super service are: raising awareness of the parties of the executive procedure; raising transparency of work done by the bailiff who implements the executive procedure for the parties involved; simplifying the process of presenting executive documents by claimers who will execute it; simplifying the process of submitting applications, complaints, petitions to the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation. The platform for implementation of this super service can be The Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. The operator of the registry of executive documents is supposed to be the federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation. The establishment of the super service is supposed to strengthen the trust of the public to the bodies of enforcement of the executive procedures and to the state in general.

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