
The suggested article surveys the key elements of foreign politics of Nixon administration in Vietnam. The personal contribution of Kissinger to the peace process in Vietnam was analyzed. The end of war and withdrawal US troops from this country was one of his major election promises, and the main problem, which divided American society. Together with newly invited as a national security advisor Professor of Harvard H. Kissinger R. Nixon begun to conduct politics of Vietnamization. The purpose of this politics was a full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam during next few years, instead economic assistance for South Vietnam should be increased in proportional of Hanoi aggression. But in the same time with withdrawal of troops quantity of Air Force units and Navy units of US should be increased in Indochina region. For Kissinger being in charge of foreign affairs department and taking practical steps in the field of foreign politics became resumption of his academic career and the embodiment of those conceptual views that he developed in the university environment. The diplomat used the events that took place in Indochina as one of the elements for reformatting the world order which was placed after World War II. H.Kissinger’s strategy consisted in involving China and creates a geopolitical triangle instead of US and USSR bipolar relations. Establishment of diplomatic relations with China was not decisive in ending of war in Vietnam. Beijing had limited capabilіties to influence the North Vietnamese Communists but became a serious incentive to speed up negotiations with the USSR, regarding on Vietnam as well. Considering circumstances in the region at the time of R. Nixon’s coming to power the results of this administration in Vietnam should be considered as satisfactory and accordingly promises of his presidential program.

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