
Digital technologies command determines the information and professional competence of a teacher. The first competences help him to organize a modern educational process, others provide access to the latest professional information. Studies show that serious complex strategies for the use of digital technologies are beginning to emerge, and a teacher is becoming a leader in future education. Digital technologies are becoming more complicated and there is an urgent need for new professionals - learning engineers who have to provide new strategies in education. The paper considers a complex of open distance courses for the training of teachers to use new educational technologies. The courses use the results of the annual polls of the world's pedagogical community to identify popular pedagogical instruments. They form teachers’ personal knowledge mastery. This contributes to the development of a personal learning environment and a teacher's personal learning network. The learning engineer's training system should consist of software engineering and the proposed teaching block. The last block includes sections for the formation of skills of personal knowledge mastery, the design of a distance course, the development of the structure, organization of distance and blended learning, expertise of the distance course. All sections of the pedagogical unit were tested in open distance courses at the Research Laboratory of Distance Learning at NTU "KhPI". During 2013-2018 open distance learning courses were learnt by more than 2,600 teachers of Ukraine and 370 of them successfully completed the training. The next step should be to integrate efforts with IT specialists, identify competencies of the learning engineer and prepare a training program for a specialist in the future.


  • Studies show that serious complex strategies for the use

  • a teacher is becoming a leader in future education

  • there is an urgent need for new professionals - learning engineers

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В роботі розглядається комплекс відкритих дистанційних курсів для підготовки викладачів до використання нових навчальних технологій. Коли впроваджують цифрові технології виникає розрив через збереження старих методів навчання та відсутністю розуміння необхідності проектування для технологій та педагогіки. Викладачі потребують не тільки навчанню використання технологій, але і в більш глибшого розуміння педагогіки та різних можливих підходів до навчання.

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