
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 广西生态农业:历程、成效、问题及对策 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201405100946 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(U1033004) Ecological agriculture in Guangxi, China:its history, effectiveness, challenges and solutions Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:生态农业已成为世界农业发展的重要模式和方向。广西生态农业的发展具有基础好、起步早、发展快、模式多、效益佳的特点。从新中国成立至今,广西生态农业经历了4个发展阶段:第一阶段(1949-1977年):群众自发,实践摸索;第二阶段(1978-1991年):模式创新,高产高效;第三阶段(1992-2002年):政府推动,全面推广;第四阶段(2003年至今):模式优化,提质增效。60多年来,广西生态农业发展取得了显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益,具体表现在:增加产量、提高效益、改善品质、节约资源、保护环境、提升人员素质、扩大国内外影响等7个方面。当前,广西生态农业存在着6个方面的突出问题:(1)科技薄弱,人才不足;(2)经济落后,资金缺乏;(3)生态脆弱,条件恶劣;(4)技术组装不配套,理论研究不深入;(5)意识不强,措施不力;(6)规模化不够,产业化不强。为使广西生态农业今后又好又快地发展,必须采取如下对策和措施:一是提高认识,转变观念;二是搞好规划,完善制度;三是增加投入,改善条件;四是重视科技,培养人才;五是调整结构,优化模式;六是因地制宜,发挥优势;七是加强交流,开展合作;八是综合配套,全面发展;九是“三效”(经济效益、生态效益和社会效益)并举,良性循环;十是“四化”(规模化、产业化、集约化、科技化)同步,持续发展。 Abstract:Ecological agriculture can be defined as modern efficient agriculture that is based on the principles of ecology and economics, employs modern science, technology and management tools, and combines the best of traditional agriculture to develop and maintain a high level of economic, ecological and social benefit. The use of ecological agriculture has become an important method and direction for the world's agricultural development. China is the world's largest developing agricultural nation, yet it has a small amount of land per person and a relative shortage of resources per capita. Ecological agriculture is booming all across China. In Guangxi Autonomous Region, one of the most important agricultural provinces (regions) in western China, the development of ecological agriculture has a solid foundation, and began early and developed rapidly with multiple modes of efficient development. This paper addresses a number of issues related to ecological agriculture in an attempt to play an active role in the promotion of the improved and increasingly rapid development of ecological agriculture in this new century that is designed to address China's new dynamic situation.Since the establishment of the new China, agriculture in Guangxi has undergone four stages. The first stage (1949-1977) occurred when people spontaneously practiced agriculture and explored ecological agricultural techniques. The second stage (1978-1991) experienced model innovation, high production rates and increased efficiency. The third stage (1992-2002) involved government-led and comprehensive promotion of better production techniques. The fourth stage (2003-present) included model optimization, an increase in quality and an improvement in efficiency. During the last six decades, the development of ecological agriculture in Guangxi has created significant economic, ecological and social benefits. These were mainly reflected in the following seven aspects: increased production, efficiency and quality, conservation of resources, protection of the environment, improved the skills of field personnel, and expanded influence at home and abroad. The following aspects of ecological agriculture involved the application of energy: the expansion of material recycling technology, the use of a variety of agricultural recycling methods involving the use of byproduct "waste" in an ecological manner, reprocessing and the production of new higher-value agricultural products.Currently, we are faced with six kinds of outstanding issues related to the development of ecological agriculture: (1) a lack of modern technology in the field and a shortage of talent; (2) poor economic management and fund shortages; (3) fragile ecosystems and harsh conditions; (4) use of immature technology and methods combined with a lack of well-developed in-depth theory related to agricultural production; (5) inadequate awareness of the needs of agriculture and proactive measures designed to simultaneously maximize resources and protect the environment; and (6) a lack of attention to scale and industrialization. In the future, to achieve sound and rapid development of ecological agriculture, we should do several things. We need to raise awareness and change our idea while making better plans to improve the system. We need to increase investment in agriculture and improve conditions for agricultural employees and provide them with adequate training. A need exists to pay better attention to science and technology, and make structural adjustments to the nation's agricultural systems. We need to optimize methods and develop those that are adapted to local conditions, take advantage of opportunities to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, conduct comprehensive and all-round development of agriculture, and place emphasis on the "three-effects" (economic, ecological and social benefits). Simultaneously, we must develop the "four modernizations" (scale, industrialization, intensity, and technology) to provide synchronous and sustainable development. Development of ecological agriculture is conducive to comprehensively addressing the bidirectional coordination of agricultural development and environmental protection. It also promotes the effective protection of resources and the environment so that there is an organic combination of the development, use, and protection of resources and of the environment. The development of ecologically-based agriculture helps to re-position the role of the agricultural knowledge base so that the function of agriculture continuously expands. We need to promote comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated rural development, increase rural employment, increase farmers' income and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. The development of ecological agriculture helps provide solutions for the challenges that our nation faces. A need exists to adjust our strategy and the direction of agricultural development by employing the concepts of both wise use and conservation of the environment. This will promote the development of sustainable agriculture in a way that is suitable for China's agricultural modernization and development. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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