
This thesis examines the debate between Du yaquan, Editor-in-chief of 『Eastern Miscellany(東方雜誌)』 and Chen duxiu, leading figure in the New Culture Movement-. In Spetember of 1918, Chen raised suspicion and argued through the pages of 『New Youth(新靑年)』, that 『Eastern Miscellany』 is supporting the idea of revival of hereditary monarchy. Du countered this suspicion on 『Eastern Miscellany』 three months later. This exchange of arguments through the pages of their own magazine is often regarded as starting point of ‘East-West (Cultural) Debate’ in later studies.BR In 1990s’, studies on Du yaquan began, From the early 1910s’, media activities of Du yaquan were mainly focused on political proposals. He was concentrating on how to establish constitutional politics in China. After the establishment of the Republic of China, Du focused on developing discussions on the relationship between individuals, society and state, during this process he often emphasized the importance of Chinnese civilization. On the other hand, one of the main activities of the New Culture Movement was a critique on Chinese civilization, especially Confucianism political ethics. Among them, Chen duxiu was the one who had the most severe criticism on effect of Confucianism ethics in republic of China.BR Previous studies on this debate, mainly focused on how Du and Chen had differed in understanding of the Chinese civilization. In this thesis, by I pointed out that ‘debate’ between Du and Chen was not a result of their diffenrence in understanding of Chinese civilization, but it was rather Chen portraying Du as a person opposed to republican politics in order to emphasize the discussion he had argued through his journalism activities. In this process, Chen formed his argument by ignoring the context of Du’s media activity. Du was one who constantly supported the idea of settling republican politics in China. But in the debate, Du only pointed out the logical fallacies of Chen. In response to Du’s argument, Chen raised the question again and labelled Du as one who opposed republican politics. Image of Du yaquan, as an opposer of Chen duxiu and New culture movement was maintained for a quite long time.

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