
This work is devoted to the assessment of the safety of the RBFK preparation based on the radiomodified consortium of bacteria from E. coli and B. bifidum. The safety assessment of the drug was carried out on the model of acute and chronic toxici-ty. The experiments used 76 white mice of both sexes with a live weight of 18-20 g. The first series of experiments was carried out by a single subcutaneous injection of the RBFK preparation into the withers area. In the second series of toxicological studies, the harmlessness of the test drug was studied in a model of repeated chronic drug intake after oral administration of a single therapeutic dose to white mice. As a result of the studies, it was found that the test drug did not adversely affect the exper-imental animals and did not cause their death, the general condition remained satisfactory, which indicates the harmlessness and absence of toxicity of the test drug.

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