
In this paper, I am trying to identify and explore the epistemological break in the work of Serbian philosopher Milorad Belančić. The most confident testimony can be found in Belančić's 1992 interview with Jacques Derrida, who was, at that time, undergoing some alterations in his own work. The encounter was held under quite unusual circumstances (on a local TV station, at the very beginning of the war in Bosnia), which influenced its thematic frame, already marked by the question of responsibility. In the earlier decade, Derrida dedicated a few of his texts to that question, resulting (at the beginning of the nineties) with the conception of impossible responsibility. According to him, impossible responsibility happens when the subject is confronted with contradictory imperatives. Belančić, founding, till that time, his theoretical position on Ricoeur's hermeneutics, finds that Derrida's conception of impossible responsibility is a perfect tool for his own thinking of war and violence. But, while Derrida is trying to encompass certain surplus of possibilities (surplus of imperatives), Belančić - using the same expression of impossible responsibility - is rather targeting some deficit or, even, the total impossibility of responsibility.


  • Коjи jе до тог времена своjу позициjу заснивао на рикеровскоj херменеутици, проналази да jе концепциjа немогуће одговорности, разjашњена управо кроз разговор с Деридом, кадра да артикулише мишљење рата и насиља

  • Класичан концепт одговорности подразумева да се одговара за оно што jе могуће и познато, а уколико се одговара за немогуће, за друго и пред другим, онда другост захвата и одговорност, односно, алтеризуjе jе

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Коjи jе до тог времена своjу позициjу заснивао на рикеровскоj херменеутици, проналази да jе концепциjа немогуће одговорности, разjашњена управо кроз разговор с Деридом, кадра да артикулише мишљење рата и насиља.

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