
The Tayk-Kgharjk branch of the Bagratunis was founded in the last thirty years of VIII century. It was founded by the son of Armenian prince Ashot Kuir Bagratuni: Vasak, and his son Atrnerseh. During the rule of the latter's son Ashot Curopalates, the Georgian rule of the Bagratunis was established. After that, in the struggle for supreme power, the Tayk-Kgharjk branch of the Bagratunis split into two parts: Tayk and Kgharjk. Methods and materials: Historical-comparative, as well as primary sources combination and analysis methods were used in the work. Analysis: The reasons and process of the dynasty branch division were studied in the work. After Ashot Curopalates, the power was divided among his sons and grandsons. Results: The work presents the participants of the struggle for supreme power and refers to the domains of the heirs of Ashot Curopalates. As a result of their struggle, the Georgian branch of the Bagratunis was divided into two parts: Tayk and Kgharjk. From these, the representatives of the Tayk branch acquired the titles of king and Curopalates, and the ones of Kgharjk - the Eristavi of Eristavis.

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