
The impact of productive activity of human on the ecological balance of nature. Ecological functions of soils of forest biogeocenoses. Regional features of the ecosystems functioning, soil formation factors. Organization of the soil cover state monitoring. Environmental monitoring of forest soils. Objectives of soil monitoring of forest ecosystems. Collection of the available information on forest ecosystems. Choice of monitoring objects. Soil and environmental hospitals. Fixed trial areas. Long-term and seasonal observations of soil properties. Temporary trial areas. Soil monitoring on the route courses. The use of satellite imagery in the environmental assessment of erosive landscapes. Controlled soil indicators. Research methods of soil properties and composition of pollutants. Processing of experimental data using information technology. Mathematical models of the spread of pollutants, the interrelation between soil indicators (in the soil), between soil properties and indicators of the characteristic of forest, the evolution of forest soil. Small-scale and medium-scale regional maps of land erosion, soil contamination by chemicals. Large-scale maps of physical degradation of soils, the content of macronutrients and micronutrients, acidity, humus condition of soils. Maps are accompanied by an explanatory note (soil sketch). Maximum permissible amount of the chemicals (maximum allowable concentrations) polluting the soil. Maximum permissible loading on forest soils under anthropogenic impact. Rational use and protection of forest ecosystems.

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