
The purpose of the article is to study the main problems of lending to agro-industrial enterprises with state support in market relations and propose measures to implement a new mechanism of subsidized and compensatory budget support for agriculture, aimed at its effective functioning. Historically, Ukraine is an agro-industrial country with rich natural resources and opportunities. However, to make a decent profit, the agro-industrial complex needs regular cash infusions and complete modernization. Given these factors, farmers in Ukraine are increasingly resorting to such an ancillary method as a loan for agricultural development. The long history of the Ukrainian economy, multiplied by current trends in crop production and animal husbandry, forces banks to consider lending to agriculture as a promising profitable business, which can and should be lent. The urgency of the study is due to the growing need to address one of the priority sectors of the economy-agriculture, by increasing the role and availability of credit for farmers, improving lending conditions, improving the efficiency of monetary institutions lending to agricultural enterprises, as well as development forms of their support. Problems of improving the lending system, investment activity of enterprises, lending mechanism and state regulation in the field of agriculture were covered in the works of a number of scientists and practitioners: G. Bezorna, H. Borkhunov, I. Buzdalov, A. Gataulin, A. Golovanov, A. Gordeeva, L. Kolichev, K. Koroleva, A. Kupavykh, D. Murzin, E. Mezentsev, A. Ponomareva, E. Sagaidak, A. Sidoruk, Y. Trushin, D. Epstein and some others. In the foreign economic literature, the main attention is paid to the forms of state support for agricultural producers, assessment of the impact of subsidies in terms of efficient use of public funds and the functioning of agricultural banks, but at the level of microfinance. These problems are reflected in the works of foreign authors: N. Gow, K. Hoff, M. Zeller, A. Sarris, J. Swinnen, J. Stiglitz, J. Yaron, M. Schreiner, Le Min Tu, and others. The changing conditions of the market environment pose new challenges to the subjects of credit relations, and then there are problems of agricultural lending in the changing conditions of the country’s economy, which need to be addressed. Formulation of the goals of the article (task statement). The purpose of the article is to generalize the theory and practice of agricultural lending when there are new economic relations, financial and credit opportunities of the Ukrainian economy.

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