
The article outlines the research problems associated with the study of generation Z based on the problematization procedure. Problematization makes it possible to question established ideas and offer new perspectives of research. The author proposes to analyze the generation Z in the context of several concepts. 1. A.O. Hirschman's «voice–exit–loyalty" (EVL) concept and its extended version «voice–exit–loyalty–neglect» (EVLN). For these studies, we apply the tools of game theory. The question is raised about the admissibility of considering youth as a social group as an actor of the game. 2. Concepts about the demographic causes of protests related to the growth of the share of young people, the slowdown of social elevators. Within the framework of these concepts, work on the study of interaction and conversion of online and offline activity seems promising. 3. Concepts of identity and post-materialistic values of youth. Particular attention should be paid to the problems of ageism, digital and intergenerational gaps in modern conditions. It is suggested that the trends in the formation of youth identities are different in different civilizations.

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