
This study investigated the patterns of Korean language learning strategy of Vietnamese students. Oxford (1990) ''s SILL was used for item analysis and factor analysis, and the results were analyzed in various angles. First, item analysis shows that specific subcategory strategies are used in each strategy category. In the memory strategy, the cognitive - mediated strategy was used mainly and the practice and utilization strategy was preferred in cognitive strategy category. In compensation strategy, alternative strategy was actively used rather than analogical strategy, and it was confirmed that strategies for learning and coordination were actively used in metacognitive strategies that manage learning process as a whole. In affective strategy, encouragement and reward related strategies were used extensively. In social strategy, the use of interrogative strategy was shown to be passive in comparison with strategies to cooperate with others. In the result of factor analysis, social strategy category was excluded. One item was removed from the cognitive strategy and the compensation strategy, and they were reconstructed as a new factor of ''comprehension strategy''. The rest of the strategy categories are the same as the existing categories. This is different from previous studies in which various factors are reconstructed, and it can be interpreted that Vietnamese learners have a tendency to be explained by existing SILL category. The results of this study can be used as basic data for Korean learners of Vietnamese learners.

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