
According to the data of accounting trawl surveys conducted by TINRO in the period from the 1980s to 2018, changes in the spatial and bathymetric distribution of black halibut on the continental slope of the Sea of Okhotsk over the past decades have been considered. The sea ice cover had decreased in this period that caused a weakening of the slope convection, whereas this process ventilated the intermediate layer, so a deoxygenation occurred at the depths below 300-400 m where the halibut dwell. Upon the «cold» times with strong slope convection and high content of dissolved oxygen in the intermediate layer, dense pre-spawning and spawning aggregations of halibut were formed in the southern part of the Lebed Trough at the depth of 900-1000 m. These aggregations are not observed in the recent «warm» years, but the halibut are distributed widely along the continental slope of Kamchatka in aggregations with moderate or low density.

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