
The article describes the specific features of the fish stocks in the Irtysh River, the main share of which is made up of representatives of ide Leuciscus idus (Cyprinidae). The parasitic community of the Irtysh ide in the autumn period of the life cycle has been studied. A total of 15 individuals of fish of various sexes, aged 1+ to 6+, weighing 174-1,086 g, length 25.2-44.6 cm, were examined. The invasion of ide by 15 species of parasites belonging to 5 systematic groups was established: Monogenea – 2, Cestoda – 1, Trematoda – 9, Nematoda – 1, Copepoda – 2. The dominant species in this community are R. campanula and Metorchis sp (gills, fins). Monogenes have a limited presence: D. ramulosus and P. megan. There has been marked 100% infection of ide muscles with metacercaria O. felineus. Fish fins are invaded by R. campanula and Metorchis sp. in 100% of cases. The ureter is invaded by P. elongatum with EI by 13.3%. A massive parasitizes of cyprinids – S. globiporum- parasitizes in the intestines of ide with EI = 60.0%. The larval stage of R. acus was noted on the mesentery in 60.0% of the examined fish. The crustaceans E. sieboldi and T. polycolpus parasitized on the gills and fins of ide, respectively. It has been stated that the described composition of the parasitic community is typical for ide regardless of its habitat. The invasion of the Irtysh ide by the pathogen of opisthorchiasis is at a high level, the intensity of infection of ide with metacercaria O. felineus in the Irtysh is 100%, which is dangerous for the population when eating fish that have not undergone heat treatment


  • The article describes the specific features of the fish stocks in the Irtysh River, the main share of which is made up of representatives of ide Leuciscus idus (Cyprinidae)

  • Fish fins are invaded by R. campanula and Metorchis sp. in 100% of cases

  • The crustaceans E. sieboldi and T. polycolpus parasitized on the gills and fins of ide, respectively

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СООБЩЕСТВО МЕТАЗОЙНЫХ ПАРАЗИТОВ ЯЗЯ LEUCISCUS IDUS (L.) В ОСЕННИЙ ПЕРИОД ЖИЗНЕННОГО ЦИКЛА Иртыш составляют представители семейства Cyprinidae, наиболее массовым из которых является язь Leuciscus idus. Установлено инвазирование язя 15-ю видами паразитов, принадлежащих к 5 систематическим группам: Monogenea – 2, Cestoda – 1, Trematoda – 9, Nematoda – 1, Copepoda – 2. Ключевые слова: река Иртыш, язь Leuciscus idus, метазойные паразиты, O. felineus, Metorchis sp., интенсивность заражения, экстенсивность заражения, жабры, плавники, описторхоз. И. Сообщество метазойных паразитов язя Leuciscus Idus (L.) в осенний период жизненного цикла Одной из главных проблем для населения при употреблении в пищу язя является его инвазированность метацеркариями Opisthorchis felineus. Результаты исследования и их обсуждение Сообщество метазойных паразитов Leuciscus idus в нашем исследовании включает в себя 15 видов паразитических организмов из 5 систематических групп: Monogenea – 2, Cestoda – 1, Trematoda – 9, Nematoda – 1, Copepoda – 2 (табл.)

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