
Five specially protected natural territories have been created to preserve the biological resources of Lensky District in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from the increasing impact of the oil and gas industry. The article presents the results of research on the fauna of butterflies in these territories from 1999 to 2018. Over the time period, 83 species from six families were registered. The research made it possible to evaluate species diversity for each reserve. As a result, common (Aporia crataegi, Colias palaeno, Plebeius argus, P. argyrognomon, Argiades optilete, Cyaniris semiargus, Neptis rivularis, Brenthis ino, Lopinga deidаmia), rare (Ochlodes sylvanus, O. venata, Fixsenia pruni, Neptis sappho, Clossiana titania, Boloria aquilonaris banghaasi, Lasiommata petropolitana, Lopinga achine, Erebia jeniseiensis, E. ligea), and protected (Parnassius eversmanni, Colias hecla viluensis, Phengaris teleius, Neptis sappho, Lasiommata petropolitana) species were revealed.

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