
As considerable interests in noise emission from the ships have been increased, International Maritime Organization (IMO) standardized the Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) measurement process of commercial ships in deep seas by enacting the related ISO standard ISO 17208-1 and classification societies responded with the enactment or revision of corresponding notations. According to this trend, a new hybrid underwater sound propagation model based on underwater sound propagation theories was developed and its accuracy on analysis was verified through the result comparison with the results of other generally used models. Using the verified model, each URN propagation characteristics adjusted by the correction methods proposed in the ISO standard and class notations were analyzed and compared in two assumed URN measurement cases. The results showed that the effects of transmission loss corrections in the circumstances with less bottom reflections generally similar but they had rather large differences in the model analysis results with bottom-reflection-dominant conditions. It was concluded that the deep consideration of effective bottom-reflection-correction method should be made in future revisions of ISO standard and class notations.

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