
Abstract seam gas (CSG) production involves extracting methane from coal seams with ground water which is so called a primary by-product of this process, and is often rich in salts and other constituents. The predicted large volume and variable quality of this water make water management a topic associated with CSG production. In the past, the amount of this water used to be pumped into the vacant aquifer, or into the river during the life of individual production wells. Australian government make a strategies for management and beneficial use of the water. From this point of view, a detailed assessment has not been undertaken, it is necessary for water resource production to analysis the Coal Seam Gas Water (CSG Water) Management Policy Study published in Queensland, Australia. Key words : CSG water management policy, Water resource, Water quality, Assessment and analysis 1. 서 론 1) 석탄층의 메탄은 지하수와 함께 회수 된다. 메탄은 여러 가지 방법으로 회수하여 연료로서의 이용이 가능하지만 메탄가스와 동반 회수되는 지하수는 염분 등이 포함된 수질 성분으로 인하여 그동안 빈 대수층에 공급하거나 인근 강이나 바다로 흘려보내는 등 수자원으로서의 가치는 인정받지 못하고 있었다(Randol, 2013; Chris, 2013; Paul 등, 2014 ). 그러나 근래의 기상이변으로 인한 홍수, 가뭄 등의 자연재해가 빈번하여 식수를 비롯한 용수 부족현상을 초래하게 되자 호주의 퀸스랜드 주 정부에서는 석탄층으로부

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