
Maturation and spawning of the Blackthroat seaperch, Doderleinia berycoides were investigated based on the samples captured in Korean waters from January 2008 to December 2009. Gonadosomatic index began to increase in June, and reached maximum between July to September. After spawning it began to decrease from October. Reproductive season was estimated to July-September, with peak in August. Fecundity was proportional to the size of the female, with the clutch size varying from 115,500 eggs in the smallest female (TL〓28.2cm) to 652,000 eggs in the largest (TL〓33.5cm). Size at 50% sexual maturity (<TEX>$TL_{50}$</TEX>), determined from mature females, was 29.6cm. Annual reproductive cycles of this species could be divided into six successive stages; immature stage (October-May), nucleolus stage (June-July), yolk vesicle stage (July-August), vitellogenic stage (June-September), ripe and spent stage (August-October).

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