
Statement of the problem and purpose. Currently, there is a need to understand the importance of physical culture, both social and individual value, which makes it possible to identify new trends in the development of public consciousness and personal motivations for the development of the cultural heritage of the planet [Minogina, 2017, p. 74]. The article analyzes and determines the degree of use of individual human abilities – the fundamental factors determining the level of culture of social consciousness and development. The methodology of the research consists of a theoretical analysis and generalization of the data of scientific and methodological literature of foreign and Russian scientists recognized by the scientific community in the field of physical culture, sports, psychology, and pedagogy, as well as practical experience in preparing the younger generation for rugby classes. Research results. Functional capabilities provided to a person during physical education and sports have almost unlimited possibilities. The tasks solved in the research work indicate the need to analyze the conditions of physical training of young rugby players at the present stage. In accordance with the analysis of the conditions for training young athletes, a complex of general developmental exercises has been developed. These exercises are provided as a means of physical education through the rugby game sport within the sensitive period of development of the younger generation. Conclusion. Experimental work has sufficiently proved the hypothesis that when practicing physical culture and sports, in particular, a game sport – rugby, it is necessary to take into account favorable periods of development of basic physical qualities in children during the period of sensitive development. In the research work, materials were considered to substantiate the arguments in favor of using an integrated approach to the training process of young rugby players aged 9–14. Practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the material contained in the work, as well as methodological recommendations, will help in a meaningful understanding of the educational process in physical culture and help predict its development, which is especially important in school education. The practical significance of the study is determined by the new placement of accents and guidelines in the content of physical education of schoolchildren, the choice of means and methods of organizing the pedagogical process focused on intensification and diversification of education.

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