
2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of Clinical Hospital No. 6. On the initiative of A.I. Burnazyan and with his direct participation, the Institute of Biophysics was established in 1946, and in 1948, medical units at research institutes and in “atomic cities”. The first hospital in the country to provide assistance to workers of the new research and production industry was the Clinical Hospital No. 6, organized in accordance with the order of the USSR Council of Ministers and the Order of the USSR Ministry of Health of September 25, 1948. on the basis of the Moscow neurosurgical hospital for the disabled of the Great Patriotic War (school building at Abelmanovskaya street, 4). In 1986, doctors from the Clinical Department of the IBP and Clinical Hospital No. 6 treated patients with radiation sickness who arrived from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In 2007, KB No. 6 named after A.I. Burnazyan merged with the Institute of Biophysics into a single Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. A.I. Burnazyan. Today, the FMBC Clinic occupies a leading position in many areas. The center becomes famous for the first surgical operations performed in Russia and in the world. Among them is the world’s first successful operation to form the urethra from a radiation autograft with preliminary prefabrication of the buccal mucosa. The operation was performed by surgeons from the Center for Urology and Andrology. The first in Russia extracorporeal resection of a liver affected by alveococcus was performed at the Center for Surgery and Transplantation. The Center for Neurosurgery and Vascular Neurology introduced innovative minimally invasive techniques for rescuing patients after hemorrhagic stroke. Our clinicians as part of the combined teams of the Agency conduct medical examinations in six regions of Russia. Such serious challenges can only be taken on by a close-knit team of professionals, including scientists, doctors, engineers, and administrators – people of different professions and different ages, who have consciously devoted themselves to science and medicine.

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