
This study was to determine changes following a cognitive-behavioral play therapy intervention with two sixth grade boys with school maladjustment. Virtual Reality, Problem Solving Skills, and "Protect the Flock" were used to determine pre- and post-test changes, and the results showed, first, increases in the domains of attention, working memory, executive functioning, behavioral control, socialization, and impulse control as measured by VR, and second, increases in all domains of PSI except for Client A's problem-solving confidence. Third, the "Protect the Flock" revealed new strategies and responses in the sixth-grade boy and a change in his willingness to use them to actively solve problems. The study attempted to measure new outcomes of pre- and post-change, including a traditional screening tool, the Problem Solving Skills Scale, and a new screening tool, Virtual Reality and "Protect the Flock" and found positive changes following the intervention of a cognitive behavioral play therapy program.

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