
This material is a review of the book by Bohdan Shevchyk �Tradition and economy: economic systems in socio-cultural dynamics� (2017), which presents author�s concept of undestending socio-cultural changes as the basis of economic development. The monograph substantiates the concept of economic orientalism, which is considered in such dimensions: firstly, as a new paradigmatic project of socio-economic development; secondly, as forms of sociocultural space. The ideational type of cultural mentality of Ukrainians acts as the leading one and determines the structure and institutional complementarity of the national economic system of Ukraine. The main results of the author�s research, which characterize the scientific novelty, include the following: theoretical substantiation of the concept of economic orientalism as a characteristic of a number of modern circumstances, which is associated with: the change of types of dominant culture in the processes of sociocultural dynamics and the transition from sensory to ideational type of cultural mentality; proving the socio-cultural context of the formation of economic orientalism. Business entities are considered as a multi-intellectual socio-cultural economic system of the ideational type of culture; interpretation of systems of economic thinking as structures of mentality, which is the basis of theoretical modeling of evolutionary and transitive economic systems in the quadratic: structure-function-processenvironment

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