
This article is a continuation of the translation from English of the famous historian Alan Fisher’s scientific work “The Crimean Tatars”. A. Fisher was always interested in the history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkic peoples. His work “The Crimean Tatars” was published in 1978 in the USA. The second part of his work covers the following items: 1. Crimean Tatars in Imperial Russia (Russian interest in the Crimea). 2. Catherine II. 3. War of 1768–1774. 4. Russian success with Nogay Tatars. 5. Kaplan Giray. 6. Russian invasion. 7. Russian-Crimean Treaty. 8. Sahib Giray in power. 9. Second Russian invasion. 10. Şahin Giray`s policies. 11. Crimean opposition to Şahin. 13. Crimean colonization. 14. Third Russian invasion. 15. Şahin Giray`s reforms begun anew. 16. Final Russian invasion. 17. Reorganization of the Crimea. On the whole this part of work covers political and economic conditions under which Crimea came under the rule of Russia.

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