
The article analyzes the evolution of the spatial location of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the USSR during the First and Second five years. It is noted that if the First and Second Five-year plans on a scientific basis determined the parameters of changing the spatial location of industry, then the plans for the development of the military-industrial complex of the USSR were, as a rule, narrowly sectoral in nature, often divorced from the real possibilities of the economy. The problems of spatial placement of enterprises of the USSR military-industrial complex during the First and Second Five-year plans were analyzed within the framework of individual People's commissariats, which narrowed the possibilities for optimal placement of military production and limited the cooperation of factories, defense and civilian production. The «human factor»: the quality of workers and engineering ‒ staff clearly stood in the way of the planned shift of industry to the East by the Soviet leadership. Expansion of production capacities and complexity of the product range.

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