
The article is devoted to the study of extraordinary personnel policy measure - the general purges in 1921. On the materials of Bryansk province the activity of the commission for checking and purging the Party personnel is shown. The reasons for exclusion from the party and data on the social structure of the excluded, withdrawn and dropped out are given. Attention is paid to their labor activity, behavior in society and attitude to the Soviet power. The documents show that many expelled from he Party did not seek to return to the Party ranks. Mostly those who held responsible positions (employees) showed a desire to restore their lost status. At the same time, it was noted that party members often remained unaware of their party status for some time, which caused a passive and irresponsible attitude to work. Nevertheless, in the course of the purge, an inventory of members of the provincial organization was carried out and the party members with "corrupting" influence in the region were found. The introduced into the scientific turnover archival materials and periodicals make it possible to consider the peculiarities and results of the purge of the party ranks in Bryansk province.

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