
Modern trends in education reveal the need for a systematic assessment and development of the adaptive psychophysiological potential of students for their successful adaptation in the situation of a rapidly changing education system. The paper presents the results of a study of the psychophysiological status of 50 students of both sexes aged 16-17 who have no deviations in health. The students in both groups demonstrated evident right-handedness (dominance of the left hemisphere), however, the number of people with right- and interhemispheric activity was greater among girls. A significantly higher level of semantic memory was found in boys, whereas girls registered a higher quotient of neural processes mobility and a high rate of attention switching. The male group registered the prevalence of excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, while the group of girls displayed the prevalence of inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. The discovered psychophysiological peculiarities are important for theoretical and practical research in modern education. The main idea of the work is to emphasize the need for systematic monitoring of the psychophysiological indicators of students - this can preserve their mental health and improve adaptation to the changes in the modern educational environment. An innovative approach to assessing the success of the educational process should consist of regular comprehensive monitoring of students’ psychophysiological indicators and the dynamics of the educational process. The obtained data on the psychophysiological status will make it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of students of both sexes.

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