
The article spotlights genesis and essence of genocide concept, nature of contemporary genocide tragedies based on historical and philosophical, chronological and comparative analysis methods, and founds theirs compliance with international legal definition of genocide’s term in the context of not avoiding criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity. It was affirmed that even for the unsteady post-bipolar era roots of tragedies of genocide remains an idea of the nature or historically formed social inequality of ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, linguistic, territorial, social class and other groups and communities, and the desire to increase vital natural or a public resource of one community (group) at the expense of another. It is recognized that term “genocide” is not immediately received wide recognition and was initially not quite identical to the concept of “crimes against humanity”. Generally speaking, lawyers and politicians for some time came out that genocide – only one of the possible crimes against humanity. Therefore, the tragedy of the Armenian people 1915-16 still classified in the world as a crime against humanity. Genocide always aims at complete or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.


  • The article spotlights genesis and essence of genocide concept, nature of contemporary genocide tragedies based on historical and philosophical, chronological and comparative analysis methods, and founds theirs compliance with international legal definition of genocide’s term in the context of not avoiding criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity

  • The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the modern genocide, reason and consequences of the contemporary ethnic conflicts which are important for successful implementation of Eurointegration and Euro-Atlantic course of the independent Ukraine

  • Lawyers and politicians for some time came out that genocide – only one of the possible crimes against humanity

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The article spotlights genesis and essence of genocide concept, nature of contemporary genocide tragedies based on historical and philosophical, chronological and comparative analysis methods, and founds theirs compliance with international legal definition of genocide’s term in the context of not avoiding criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity. It was affirmed that even for the unsteady post-bipolar era roots of tragedies of genocide remains an idea of the nature or historically formed social inequality of ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, linguistic, territorial, social class and other groups and communities, and the desire to increase vital natural or a public resource of one community (group) at the expense of another. У статті з використанням історико-філософського, хронологічного й компаративного методів проаналізовано генезу й сутність концепту геноциду, а також природа трагедій геноцидів сучасності, з’ясовано їхню відповідність міжнародно-правовому визначенню концепту геноциду в контексті неможливості уникнення кримінальної відповідальності за злочини проти людяності. The scientific opinion of these countries permanently kept in suspense questions of historical and national memory that serve for creation of fundamentally new synthetic history

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