
Modern economic science studies the behavior of an individual making choice in conditions of limited resources, and seeking to satisfy his own interests as a result of this choice. Economics is a social science as it studies the behavior of an individual which involves the interests of other people and communities. Economics is close to natural sciences as it considers the behavior of an individual in a material world of limited resources. Besides, a human being may be considered as a material system in which there are certain biological processes influencing its behavior. The question of how fully can economics use methodological assumptions of natural sciences, is sharply debatable. The author's position is that the cooperation between economics and natural sciences has both objective grounds and objective problems. In any case, economics is not a natural science, and the natural sciences shouldn't have a priority in this dialogue. It is only a new stage in self-reflection of different sciences. The importance of this research is defined by the need of studying the scientific status of economics and the prospects of its development in terms of the subject and methodology.

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