
The article reveals the essence of state regulation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the need for a policy of state regulation of the agricultural sector in Ukraine. Forms of state regulation of the agricultural sector are identified. The dynamics of the volume of state support of the agricultural sector is analyzed. The comparative characteristic of traditional and modern paradigm of development of agar sector and agrarian policy of the state is considered. The main components of expenditures under the programs of state support for the development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector are identified. The main aspects of state regulation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine are identified, which are seen in ensuring state control over the level of the ratio of domestic and world prices, support for domestic demand in the food market. The main focus is on public financial support, which is the main mechanism for implementing public policy in the agricultural sector. The state and legal aspects of regulation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine are taken into account. Based on foreign experience, the main approaches to state regulation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine are identified. Attention is focused on the fact that the priority of the agricultural policy strategy is economic levers, which create favorable conditions for sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and increase the level of competitiveness and increase the level of competitiveness of agriculture. All this is achieved through comprehensive interaction with other financial and economic levers: taxes, loans, direct subsidies. The urgent need for development and improvement of state regulation of agro-industrial complex through the development and implementation of state agricultural policy, which requires adequate theoretical and methodological approaches to substantiate the structural composition of agricultural policy and determine the prerequisites for its implementation, especially in the context of resource potential.

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